Welcome, Agents of Presidential Meadows!

Welcome to the CIA, Agents!

In Agent Paz’s class:

One team plans to focus on tackling pollution by organizing regular clean-ups! They also plan to contact and encourage local government to push earth friendly initiatives.
Another team wants to plan a fundraiser for the Manor Hospital! They plan to do research on volunteering there, and want to make get well soon cards for the patients there.

In Clark’s class:

One team wants to spread information and awareness about how to properly care for animals. They also plan to make posters promoting animal adoption. Another team plans to make posters that remind kids that clowns can be good. They’d like to raise awareness about the issues surrounding clown terrorism and remind kids that they don’t need to fear all clowns.

Good luck on your missions!

Welcome, Agents of Shadow Glen!

We can’t wait to hear more about how your missions are going!

In Agent Bowe’s class, the Homelessness Team is organizing to collect donations for a local shelter.  The Disease Team is recruiting volunteers to organize a fundraiser to make care packages for sick children.

In Agent Brown’s class, The Donald Trump team is developing an infomercial stressing positivity and inclusion.  The Animal Cruelty Team is recruiting volunteers to help run a fundraiser to help a local humane animal shelter.

In Agent McCorkle’s class, a team focused on Racism is excited to make YouTube videos, Instagram posts, and letters to Donald Trump about stopping racism.  The team focused on Violence hopes to research who makes laws about gun control, and write letters to them about helping to stop gun violence.

In Agent Garcia’s class, another team dedicated to stopping Racism plans to talk to the counselor about creating a “No Place for Racism” club at Shadow Glen Elementary.  The team dedicated to stopping Abuse wants to make posters and organize a march to raise awareness about many different kinds of abuse.

Welcome, Agents of Perez Elementary!

In Agent Piña’s class:

  • The Hunger Team is organizing a club to start plans on building a community garden.
  • The Racism Team is planning to meet with the counselor to organize a ‘No Place for Hate’ March. They also made their voices heard by writing letters to President Obama.

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In Agent Behnke’s class:

  • The Child Abuse Team is focused on researching organizations who help victims find a safe place to express their trauma.
  • The Animal Cruelty Team is planning an Animal Safety Advice Column to be read weekly on morning announcements.

Great work, Agents!

Missions Initiated at Linder Elementary!

We’re so excited about all the brand new missions initiated at Linder Elementary!

In Agent Carrizalez’ class, the “Peace to the World” team plans on creating a group letter to end gun violence that they hope to mail to lawmakers.  There’s also a group of new agents hoping to march to end hunger and poverty.

In Agent Aguilar’s class, one team wants to write letters, start a petition, and march to end the deportation of loved ones.  Another team wants to create a fundraiser to help cure diseases like cancer and asthma.

In Agent Muneer’s class, there’s a team of new agents eager to help stop animal abuse by creating a club that will pass out flyers and maybe even create a website.  There’s also a team hoping to boycott gasoline and use other forms of transportation as a form of protest against high gas prices.

Good luck on your missions, agents!

Great work, Ortega Agents!

We had a great time finding out how the Agents of Ortega Elementary are doing on their missions!

Agent Zettl’s class wanted Austin Pets Alive! to start classes on how to
be a responsible pet owner for people when they adopt pets. One of the
students took action and called them to ask about this possibility.
Kudos to her for being brave and taking action! Unfortunately, APA
didn’t think that it was going to be something they could do right
now. So we evaluated success and tried again.

It turns out Agent Pacheco’s class also chose the topic of animal abuse
to start solving, and they had the idea to make a fundraiser to donate
to APA.  Both classes decided to join forces, and got started right
away making posters and making notes of what steps need to be taken
next to work out details with the principal. They have decided to put
on a talent show, and people can either pay a small admission fee or
bring pet supplies to donate, and all proceeds will go to APA. They
also had a lot of great ideas like making it an outdoor show so that
they could incorporate a pet talent show/ costume contest. People can
bring their dogs and enter the show! They will of course have to touch
base with the principal to make sure this is ok. Some students also
had the idea to invite APA to come out to give a brief education piece
on how to be a responsible pet owner. This way, the group that wanted
to form education classes can incorporate their ideas into the
fundraiser!  You can hear about this project here!

The other group in Agent Zettl’s group decided to start solving the
problem of smoking and cancer. They had talked about writing letters
to stores in Austin asking them to take cigarettes off their shelves,
but we decided this may be a better end goal. To start with, they had
a discussion about how difficult it is to quit smoking and how people
will find a way to smoke even if some stores stop selling them. After
talking about the dangers of smoking and how it affects other people,
they started writing letters to people they know who smoke, telling
them how it’s harmful and asking them to try to quit.

In Agent Pacheco’s group, the other team was Team Pro-Peace, which is
working on the problem of terrorism. This group had chosen this topic
a few hours before the bombings in Paris a few weeks ago. We reviewed
what had happened in that situation and talked a little more about the
issue. This group had started creating a website. So far they have the
ideas of putting news articles on there and a peace plan/ petition for
people to sign. This group continued working on the design of the
website and decided to add a place where people can donate, watch
videos, see photos, and find help if they’re in need of assistance.

Welcome, Gullett Agents!

Welcome to the CIA, Agents!  Good luck on your missions!

In Agent Wilson’s class:

The Homeless Pets team plans to get the word out about how to be a responsible pet owner. They are making posters, writing speeches for the local news, and designing a wall calendar.
The Poaching team is forming an in-school club that intends to partner with local businesses to promote ethical treatment of animals.

In Agent DeAtly’s class:

The Cancer Team is organizing a Cancer Awareness assembly where students can speak.  They will also be putting together a care package for young patients at Dell Children’s Hospital.
The Animal Abuse team is writing speeches to share with their school about ways to treat animals with respect.

In Agent Child’s class:

The Destroying Land and Nature/ Construction group is planning to start a club to pick up trash at their school. At recess, they’re given a 5 minute warning before recess is over, so they had the idea to use their 5 minute warning to pick up trash around the playground.
The Terrorism group talked a lot about what’s currently going on in the world, how terrorism takes different forms, and how it relates to racism and war. The students plan on doing more research, and also will write letters to Congress encouraging them to accept Syrian refugees.


In Agent Valentino’s class:

The Animal Cruelty team would like shelters to do more trainings for pet owners to be responsible, and also to better ensure the health of the animals while they are in the shelter. They plan on making a petition and writing letters to local shelters, and also making posters to put in shelters about how to be a responsible pet owner.
The Mass Shootings group talked about doing a march to the Capitol, asking for more gun control. They plan on making signs and a petition for their march.

Missions Initiated at Mathews Elementary

Agents of Mathews Elementary, your courage inspires us!  We can’t wait to see what action you take in Agent McGuire’s class to fight hunger/poverty, and to help protect the declining bee population around the world!  Agent Rackowitz’s class, we look forward to learning more about your missions to end racism amongst police, and to end animal abuse.