Welcome, Agents of Perez Elementary!

In Agent Piña’s class:

  • The Hunger Team is organizing a club to start plans on building a community garden.
  • The Racism Team is planning to meet with the counselor to organize a ‘No Place for Hate’ March. They also made their voices heard by writing letters to President Obama.

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In Agent Behnke’s class:

  • The Child Abuse Team is focused on researching organizations who help victims find a safe place to express their trauma.
  • The Animal Cruelty Team is planning an Animal Safety Advice Column to be read weekly on morning announcements.

Great work, Agents!

Missions in Progress at Pioneer Crossing!

Mission Updates:

Agent Manor’s class addressed the topics of racism and terrorism. Team Terrorism made a poster that they would like to post in the school. They also wrote a letter to Obama encouraging peace talks in the Middle East. Team Racism discussed what causes people to think in prejudiced ways, and started making posters to put around the school encouraging equal treatment.
In Agent Lopez’ class, Team Animal Extinction started working on a fundraiser to donate to the World Wildlife Fund. They started planning the details and thought about who they need to talk to in order to make the fundraiser happen. Team Pollution and Littering started making signs to post around the school encouraging people not to litter and to take care of the environment. They also talked about asking the principal if they can put more trash cans around the outside of the school.
What inspiring progress, Agents!  We hope you continue working on your missions!

Missions Initiated at Pioneer Crossing

Welcome, Agents of Pioneer Crossing!

In Agent Manor’s Class:
The Racism Team is going to do more research, and talked about the possibility of a rally. They’d also like to ask law enforcement to conduct racial equality trainings for police officers.
The Terrorism Team would like to write letters to President Obama and Greg Abbott to accept Syrian refugees into the country, and to encourage peace talks in the Middle East.

In Agent Lopez’ Class:
The Animal Extinction Team is going to start a fundraiser for the World Wildlife Fund, and also do more research on the root causes of this problem.
The Pollution/ Littering Team decided to do a rally to raise awareness of the issue. They will start with a rally at their school and possibly go next to other places in town like community centers or even the Capitol.
In Agent Bui’s Class:

The Animal Cruelty Team is starting a club at their school to promote animal safety and habitat  conservation.
The Human Malice Team wrote letters to President Obama urging him to promote peace and to stop gun violence. They are excited to spread the message of harmony to their community.

In Agent Chafin’s Class:
The Homelessness Team is working with Ms. Carter to prepare weekly announcements promoting empathy and giving.
The Kids in Trouble at School Team is preparing speeches to make on the announcements encouraging their peers to help each other do well in school.