Updates from Shadow Glen Agents

In Agent McCorkle’s class, the team focused on Racism is already getting started on a YouTube video about the messages they dislike coming from the campaign of Donald Trump!  You can hear some of their ideas about what they dislike, and what they want instead here.
The team focused on Violence started writing very thoughtful letters to the state senate asking for more gun control.
We’re inspired to see your progress on your missions, Agents!

Welcome, Agents of Shadow Glen!

We can’t wait to hear more about how your missions are going!

In Agent Bowe’s class, the Homelessness Team is organizing to collect donations for a local shelter.  The Disease Team is recruiting volunteers to organize a fundraiser to make care packages for sick children.

In Agent Brown’s class, The Donald Trump team is developing an infomercial stressing positivity and inclusion.  The Animal Cruelty Team is recruiting volunteers to help run a fundraiser to help a local humane animal shelter.

In Agent McCorkle’s class, a team focused on Racism is excited to make YouTube videos, Instagram posts, and letters to Donald Trump about stopping racism.  The team focused on Violence hopes to research who makes laws about gun control, and write letters to them about helping to stop gun violence.

In Agent Garcia’s class, another team dedicated to stopping Racism plans to talk to the counselor about creating a “No Place for Racism” club at Shadow Glen Elementary.  The team dedicated to stopping Abuse wants to make posters and organize a march to raise awareness about many different kinds of abuse.

Missions in Progress at Linder

We’ve just got some exciting updates from the agents at Linder Elementary!
The team working to help people with serious illnesses like cancer are working on a fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. The fundraiser will most likely be a game day, and they will invite families to come and play games and raise money.
The team who wants to end deportation of loved ones decided that writing letters was the best action to take. Some students chose to write letters to the government, and others decided to write to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The team working to end animal abuse is making a song and video to encourage people to treat animals fairly.
The team focused on gas prices also decided to work on a YouTube video about the issue.
The team who is concerned about gun violence wrote letters to Senator Cruz asking for stricter gun control laws, particularly on background checks.   You can hear more about their mission, in their own words, here!
You can also hear about courageous leaders of Linder’s ideas about ending poverty in their own words here!

Missions in Progress at Gullett

To all you agents out there – here’s an update on what some of the courageous leaders at Gullett are working on:

The team focusing on mass shootings  put up posters around their school. They’ve also continued writing petitions and letters to the government asking for stricter gun control.

The team focusing on animal cruelty made posters, and they are working on a fundraiser for local shelters.
The team who wants to stop terrorism is focusing on first learning more about the issues related to the problem before diving into action!
The Environment team organized with other students to pick up trash during the last 5 minutes of recess. This was successful for a little while, but they lost steam, especially after the winter break. They also recognized that while they had been picking up trash, others were still littering so it didn’t feel like they were making a huge difference. They decided to make posters encouraging people to stop littering, and spreading the message to others to help pick up trash during the last 5 minutes of recess.   Great evaluation of your success and trying again, Team Environment!

Missions Initiated at Linder Elementary!

We’re so excited about all the brand new missions initiated at Linder Elementary!

In Agent Carrizalez’ class, the “Peace to the World” team plans on creating a group letter to end gun violence that they hope to mail to lawmakers.  There’s also a group of new agents hoping to march to end hunger and poverty.

In Agent Aguilar’s class, one team wants to write letters, start a petition, and march to end the deportation of loved ones.  Another team wants to create a fundraiser to help cure diseases like cancer and asthma.

In Agent Muneer’s class, there’s a team of new agents eager to help stop animal abuse by creating a club that will pass out flyers and maybe even create a website.  There’s also a team hoping to boycott gasoline and use other forms of transportation as a form of protest against high gas prices.

Good luck on your missions, agents!

Missions Initiated at Pioneer Crossing

Welcome, Agents of Pioneer Crossing!

In Agent Manor’s Class:
The Racism Team is going to do more research, and talked about the possibility of a rally. They’d also like to ask law enforcement to conduct racial equality trainings for police officers.
The Terrorism Team would like to write letters to President Obama and Greg Abbott to accept Syrian refugees into the country, and to encourage peace talks in the Middle East.

In Agent Lopez’ Class:
The Animal Extinction Team is going to start a fundraiser for the World Wildlife Fund, and also do more research on the root causes of this problem.
The Pollution/ Littering Team decided to do a rally to raise awareness of the issue. They will start with a rally at their school and possibly go next to other places in town like community centers or even the Capitol.
In Agent Bui’s Class:

The Animal Cruelty Team is starting a club at their school to promote animal safety and habitat  conservation.
The Human Malice Team wrote letters to President Obama urging him to promote peace and to stop gun violence. They are excited to spread the message of harmony to their community.

In Agent Chafin’s Class:
The Homelessness Team is working with Ms. Carter to prepare weekly announcements promoting empathy and giving.
The Kids in Trouble at School Team is preparing speeches to make on the announcements encouraging their peers to help each other do well in school.