Welcome, Agents of Perez!

In Agent Linnell’s class, Team Anti-Racism has plans to become the “complimenting creatures” and find moments to give compliments to people around the school.

In Agent Aikman’s class, Team Anti-Racism would like to perform a skit to show how to be kind to people no matter what they look like. Team Environment plans to pick up trash around school and perform a skit to show how to take care of the environment.
Great plans Agents! We can’t wait to hear how your missions go!

Welcome, Agents of Perez Elementary!

What inspiring missions you’ve initiated!  Bravo!
In Agent Linnell’s class:
The Bullying Team has started a petition to gather support for having a ‘March for Kindness.’
The Too Short Recess Team has written a formal letter to request more recess time which, they argue, will improve their focus and ability to learn and collaborate during class.
In Agent Kenny’s class:
The Pollution Team aims to become organized and start a club to help their community. They’ve taken action already by creating posters to recruit more members.
The Racism Team plans to talk with the Counselor about organizing a ‘No Place For Hate March.’ They’ve already come up with catch phrases to inspire unity!
Keep in touch, and let us know how your missions go!
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Welcome, Agents of Perez Elementary!

In Agent Piña’s class:

  • The Hunger Team is organizing a club to start plans on building a community garden.
  • The Racism Team is planning to meet with the counselor to organize a ‘No Place for Hate’ March. They also made their voices heard by writing letters to President Obama.

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In Agent Behnke’s class:

  • The Child Abuse Team is focused on researching organizations who help victims find a safe place to express their trauma.
  • The Animal Cruelty Team is planning an Animal Safety Advice Column to be read weekly on morning announcements.

Great work, Agents!