Welcome, Gullett Agents!

Welcome to the CIA, Agents!  Good luck on your missions!

In Agent Wilson’s class:

The Homeless Pets team plans to get the word out about how to be a responsible pet owner. They are making posters, writing speeches for the local news, and designing a wall calendar.
The Poaching team is forming an in-school club that intends to partner with local businesses to promote ethical treatment of animals.

In Agent DeAtly’s class:

The Cancer Team is organizing a Cancer Awareness assembly where students can speak.  They will also be putting together a care package for young patients at Dell Children’s Hospital.
The Animal Abuse team is writing speeches to share with their school about ways to treat animals with respect.

In Agent Child’s class:

The Destroying Land and Nature/ Construction group is planning to start a club to pick up trash at their school. At recess, they’re given a 5 minute warning before recess is over, so they had the idea to use their 5 minute warning to pick up trash around the playground.
The Terrorism group talked a lot about what’s currently going on in the world, how terrorism takes different forms, and how it relates to racism and war. The students plan on doing more research, and also will write letters to Congress encouraging them to accept Syrian refugees.


In Agent Valentino’s class:

The Animal Cruelty team would like shelters to do more trainings for pet owners to be responsible, and also to better ensure the health of the animals while they are in the shelter. They plan on making a petition and writing letters to local shelters, and also making posters to put in shelters about how to be a responsible pet owner.
The Mass Shootings group talked about doing a march to the Capitol, asking for more gun control. They plan on making signs and a petition for their march.

Have Courage, Covington!

Welcome, Courageous Leaders of Covington Middle School!
Good luck on your missions!  Remember, undercover agents are all around to help you!

A message from a special bonus mission at Covington Middle School!

We can’t wait to see what plans you develop and what actions you take on these important topics.
Agent Clarke, Unit One: Racism, Global Warming and Pollution
Agent Clarke, Unit Two: Sexual Violence, War
Agent Clarke, Unit Three: Unequal Rights, Animal Abuse
Agent Middleton, Unit One: Gender Stereotyping, Animal Abuse
Agent Middleton, Unit Two: Child Abuse, Animal Abuse
Agent Middleton, Unit Three: Violence, Animal Cruelty
From a special bonus mission at Covington Middle School!

A message from a special bonus mission at Covington Middle School!