Welcome, MORE Agents of Shadow Glen!

Welcome, Agents of Shadow Glen Elementary!

In Agent Lewis’ class, team anti-racism has decided to have more conversations about race and do ongoing research on inspiring celebrities who use their voice to fight racism. Team anti-sexism has plans to make posters to raise awareness, and to “be the change,” inspiring people to not judge others based on their gender.

In Agent Nobles’ class, one group of agents wants to tackle the issue of violence by promoting peace through a team called the Freedom Fighters. They also plan to organize a clothing swap in order to share styles and eliminate jealousy. Another group of agents made posters (below)  to share positive views about differences. They plan to make an announcement to their school about what to do in the face of racism.

Way to go Agents!


Have Courage, Covington!

Welcome, Courageous Leaders of Covington Middle School!
Good luck on your missions!  Remember, undercover agents are all around to help you!

A message from a special bonus mission at Covington Middle School!

We can’t wait to see what plans you develop and what actions you take on these important topics.
Agent Clarke, Unit One: Racism, Global Warming and Pollution
Agent Clarke, Unit Two: Sexual Violence, War
Agent Clarke, Unit Three: Unequal Rights, Animal Abuse
Agent Middleton, Unit One: Gender Stereotyping, Animal Abuse
Agent Middleton, Unit Two: Child Abuse, Animal Abuse
Agent Middleton, Unit Three: Violence, Animal Cruelty
From a special bonus mission at Covington Middle School!

A message from a special bonus mission at Covington Middle School!